“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

Many have adopted that Eleanor Roosevelt quote as a guiding principle in their lives. Powerful ideas have enabled great advances in technology and have inspired the masses to take action, both for good as well as ill. But like any piece of wisdom, it can be misapplied and dogmatically adhered to in a way that is simply self serving.

The Haiti earthquake is seen by the religious right as an opportunity to spread the evangelical version of christianity, and to hell with the haitian people? Others on the extreme right have used the Haiti earthquake and President Obama’s response to it as their latest vehicle for their not so subtle racist views.

Naturally this disgusts those commentators seen as carrying the progressive banner:

Historical context only serves to magnify the depths to which those exploiting Haiti to push their ideology have really sunk:

And that is not even considering US and France’s involvement in the overthrow of exiled ex-president Aristide. It is very easy to anger those with more centrist views by highlighting the spokes people for religious and racist superiority.  Free market ideology is another matter, but deserves an equal amount of scrutiny and perhaps a comparable level of outrage.

There are times when we need to be thinking with what Eleanor Roosevelt calls a “small mind”. This is one such time.

YouTuber potholer54 has a video response to Climategate/SwiftHack:

There must be a lot of people on YouTube who think being able to activate a webcam qualifies them to assess the veracity of climate science. Chalk it up to the superiority bias. To quote the science blog, Stoat:

just about everyone knows they aren’t able to understand, or make a meaningful contribution to, general relativity or quantum mechanics or number theory (except Cantors diagonal proof, of course, which every wacko knows is wrong). Somehow, however, people imagine that they understand climate science 😦

Apparently he’s already forgotten about those who wanted to shut down the Large Hadron Collider due to fears it would create a blackhole that would swallow up the Earth. And just as in that case where LHC physicists were receiving death threats, climate scientists are also being similarly harrassed. So I’d amend that quote to:  People imagine that they understand the science, any science, especially if they don’t agree with it.

A lot is being made of the decline in the belief in global warming amongst the American public, and the trending topic for “Climategate”. However, I’ve noticed that a formerly right-wing blog has actually joined the fray on the side of the climate scientists. Although the descent of human-induced climate change denialists into pure conspiracy nuttery might have had something to do with that blog author’s recent conversion,  looking through his archived posts on global warming shows the flip-flop occurred around the 2007-2008 timeframe. Prior to that, LGF posts would echo the same sort of rubbish you’d find on global warming denialist sites. Curiously around the same time LGF was actively debunking creationism and Intelligent Design.  I guess this blogger (Charles Johnson) and many of his readers noticed that the same tactics that the Creationists were using against the science of evolution, very closely mirrored tactics being applied against climate science, so something had to give. Unfortunately, the rest of his readership has since disowned him and wandered off to a spin off denialist site.

Charles Johnson is late to the AGW camp but so is this acknowledgement. His rational thinking is most welcome to the blogosphere.

If there is one good thing to come from the whole stolen CRU email incident, it is the way that the human-induced global warming denialist movement has been overrun with global government conspiracy nuts. “Climategate” is now being referenced on many New World Order conspiricist websites.

So Sahil Kapur was right all along. Those denying anthropogenic climate change are really little different from the 9/11 truthers. Bad Astronomer, Phil Plait, had also realised this. Some science bloggers are comparing the quote-mining to swiftboating especially when it comes to the weak defence by the University of East Anglia (cf. Kerry’s campaign in 2004) but a more apt comparison may actually be the birther movement. As with truthers, moon hoaxers and climate change denialists, the birthers reject any evidence contrary to their beliefs. As noted by Phil Plait:

they call themselves skeptics, but they are far from it. Skepticism is a method that includes the demanding of evidence and critical analysis of it. That’s not what Moon hoax believers do; they make stuff up, they don’t look at all the evidence, they ignore evidence that goes against their claims. So they are not Moon landing skeptics, they are Moon landing deniers. They may start off as skeptics, but real skeptics understand the overwhelming evidence supporting the reality of the Moon landings. If, after examining that evidence, you still think Apollo was faked, then congratulations. You’re a denier.

Which is exactly what conspiracy nuts do also. And just as peak oil theory lost credibility when 9/11 truthers and NWO believers used it as a motivation for government involvement in the attack on the World Trade Center, the merging of climate change denial and NWO cults may actually have a detrimental effect on the anti-science lobby.

So how exactly should scientists react to conspiracy nuts and swiftboating. Should they spend their valuable time writing on blogs with detailed replies to deniers? Should limited grant funding be used up to mount an Obama-style PR offensive to counter the mistaken beliefs of the irrational ramblings of conspiracy nutters? Given that these conspiracy theories don’t require facts for peole to believe in them putting up website after website spewing forth facts is not going to do much good.

Perhaps the best thing scientists can do is to continue to do their job. The latest Science  podcast has an interview with paleoclimatologist, Michael Mann, and nowhere is there any mention of his role in the Climategate/SwiftHack affair *. And if the conspiricists continue making ridiculous demands of  scientists, perhaps another reaction is called for.

* (However, I do expect the conspiricist to yell cover-up when they learn Mann has renamed the Medieval Warm Period to Medieval Climatic Anomaly. That’s correspondent inference theory for ya.)

Now that the stolen CRU emails are being minced through the blogosphere meat grinder, a lot of what Richard Dawkins describes in this video will no doubt be occurring:

I expect we can achieve much higher quote mining ratios in climate science than Dawkins got in evolutionary theory. It’ll be a good comparison of the confirmation bias among Anthropogenic global warming denialists vs. fundamentalist Christians.

I am often surprised at the level of distortion that occurs when the conclusion of a statistical study is rewritten and edited for consumption by the wider news reading public. A case in point is the recent study by Dr. Luis Angeles, “Do Children Make Us Happier?” This is a statistical analysis of a life satisfaction survey that covered British adults from 1996 onwards. It found that children had little to no effect on life satisfaction for the population as a whole, however if divided into different groups then children tended to increase the satisfaction levels of married couples. However this is a statistical average – a fact that is often overlooked when the headlines get written:

There is certainly a lot of confirmation bias amongst journalists and newspaper editors. Those with a large family are especially prone to see only what fits in with their beliefs. If they had read the study in detail they might have noticed that children had an even greater effect on raising the life satisfaction of widows. Which leads one to wonder why no one came up with a headline that read: “The key to happiness is kids and a dead husband”?

There is so much temptation to infer direct causality, but even the author of the original research cautions against this when he concludes with:

One is tempted to advance, on the contrary, that children make people happier under the “right conditions”. We do not mean this as a moralistic defense of marriage. Instead, by right conditions we have in mind the time in life when people feel that they are ready, or at least willing, to enter parenthood. This time can come at very different moments for different persons, but a likely signal of its approach may well be the act of marriage.

This is an example of a latent variable effect. Angeles did attempt to explain this to the mainstream media:

Dr Angeles, director of the university’s Centre for Development Studies, speculated that the reason for the difference in happiness levels lay in whether children were planned or not.

He said: “People who have decided to get married probably have in mind that they want to have children.

“But in the case of unmarried parents, children might not be expected.”

So children tend to make parents happier if they were planned for, and married couples tend to be experienced practitioners of planned parenthood. It is not a surprise that married couples (who themselves may have spent a few years living together unwed) tend to be more experienced with the use of contraception than unmarried cohabiting couples. Experience grows with length of time spent cohabiting, married or not. But no survey is going to ask parents if their children were expected or unplanned. Marital status merely serves as an imperfect proxy for this.

Furthermore there is an element of survivorship bias when one realises that the married group excludes the divorced. Weren’t they once married? It is unlikely that their children were conceived after the marriage was dissolved. (We’re assuming that the remarried would fall into the married group.) So any previously married couples that broke up after a fall in life satisfaction don’t get included in the statistical average for the married group. In the study, children exhibit a very wide variance on the divorced group that included both negative and positive ranges.

And so the conclusion we should have made, yet is almost never reported in the news, is that children make couples happy if they are well prepared to be parents. Who knew?

The childfree should stand proud as this is what they’ve been saying all along: Only have kids if you really want them, are prepared for the parenting role, and all the responsibilities, demands on time and resources that entails.

Wow! A climate scientist takes Steve McIntyre at face value. I would never have had the patience for someone showing such disrespect for science especially when they take such care to design their blog posts so as to provoke others to draw conclusions
that climate science is all fraud, without specifically spelling this out literally in the original post. And by avoiding taking any steps to prevent their post from being interpreted in this pernicious way, is simply adding insult to injury.

Professor Briffa‘s patience is truly unfathomable. Although it could be argued that investing so much of one’s valuable time responding to Internet attacks on one’s reputation may only end up encouraging the denialists.

For those who didn’t see last night’s The Events on C4, it is the latest project from UK’s very own mentalist, Derren Brown. In the first installment he claims to have predicted Wednesday’s lottery draw, and then revealed how he did it two days later. The program turned out to be a wonderful piece of entertainment dressed up to look like something educational — or should that be the other way around?

The bit I found most interesting was the coin flipping experiment that he reframed as a competition between two coin flippers. One challenger flipped a coin until he observed three heads in a row, whilst another flipping on Derren’s behalf was looking for a pattern tail-head-head. They each took turns flipping and the side that saw their target sequence first was declared winner of that round. Intuitively, one would think that each of the 8 patterns of 3 coin flips (HHH, HHT, HTH, etc) would be equally likely to turn up, yet Derren’s side won most of the rounds in this game. Unlike the other segments of his show, this one used almost no trickery at all. The coin tossing problem is explained quite well by Oxford mathematician, Peter Donnelly in his TED Talk.

Derren Brown chose tail-head-head (he could have chosen head-tail-tail) precisely because he knew this sequence was the most likely one to turn up in a continuous stream of tosses. If both flippers were instead allowed to flip three coins during each turn, then the original intuition would apply — all 8 outcomes are equally likely. However, the winning strategy Derren claimed to be using makes absolutely no sense. What if the challenger chose HTT, they what would you do?

Update: I’ve looked this sequence over, it is now apparent that both teams are looking for the their chosen combination in one shared sequence of tosses, and not as I had assumed previously, two independent sequences of tosses. This set up makes the game non-transitive and is called Penney’s Game.

As for the rest of the explanation of using crowd sourcing to predict a purely random outcome, perhaps it is fitting that this stunt coincides with the week in which the financial media commemorates the one year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the near catastrophic meltdown of the financial market. A lot of people staked their entire future in the collective wisdom, rationality, and self-correcting crowd sourcing nature of the free market and then got it so spectacularly wrong.

So, how did Derren Brown really do it? One possible method is a camera trick:

Or any other method whereby you load the numbers on the rack moments after the lottery draw. It’s the bigger budget version of the trick demonstrated in this video clip:

The really clever bit is in delaying your “prediction” without people noticing.

In summing up what Derren purports to be the explanation, I’m tempted to cite Douglas Hofstadter’s comments on the Singularity movement that has grown up around Ray Kurzweil:

It’s as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can’t possibly figure out what’s good or bad. It’s an intimate mixture of rubbish and good ideas, and it’s very hard to disentangle the two, because these are smart people; they’re not stupid.

The difference here is that Derren Brown is an entertainer and not a futurist, and he knows very well which is good and which is utter bollocks. Though I’m not so sure that the same can be said of many futurists.

I look forward to next week’s The Events in which Derren Brown claims to take control the nation of TV viewers. If the social media buzz so far is anything to go by, and especially if there is a significant increase in syndicates (most of which consisting of 24 gullible people) taking part in next week’s lottery, he can comfortably claim to have already achieved this feat.

It is how you approach an issue that determines what you see.



(Click thumbnail to download 640×480 version to do with as you please)

It’s a pity that Leo Laporte didn’t save his Michael Wehner interview for until after the new podcast, Dr. Kiki‘s Science Hour, had been officially launched. It would have been good to have pointers to this episode from the official Twit site, but as it stands one has to do a bit of Googling to find the video. Leo and Dr. Kiki originally asked Michael Wehner, a climate modeller at Laurence Berkeley Labs, to be interviewed to discuss his recently released analysis of the temperature record and why one could not conclude that global warming had stopped based on a short terms cooling trends. Wehner also did an excellent job explaining why there is scientific consensus on global warming being anthropogenic. Of course, this being a Twit interview, the chat room was populated by a strongly opinionated geek community whose familiarity with all things tech did not exactly translate to a likewise grasp of science. The comments from the chatroom that Leo passed to Wehner reflected this. But on the whole, Wehner did stick to the science of climate modelling while steering well clear of politics and policy making. His succinct explanation for why climate change is most likely due to CO2 and not to changes in the sun was particularly impressive — observed cooling of the stratosphere is consistent with a CO2 heat trapping blanket. If the sun was causing it, the stratosphere should warm up. Though I do wonder what the cosmic ray theory of climate change would predict for the stratosphere.

Things did get a bit repetitive towards the end where Wehner seemd to be answering the same denialist challenges he had already given answers for earlier in the hour. Just goes to show that some geeks only hear what they want to hear. Denialism is not reserved solely for the ignorant, but apparently highly intelligent technology fans can sometimes succumb to its lure.

Update: I now realise what Leo was refering to when he alluded to his own personal experience of a heated public exchange with someone on the subject of anthropogenic climate change. Perhaps this was part of the reason he has now teamed up with Dr. Kiki Sanford to produce her new science oriented podcast. There is a strong denialist bias that seems to thrive in the  Libertarian segment of the geek community. Given Dr. Kiki’s views on the matter, it will only be a matter of time before Leo alienates this segment of geeks, although I do wonder why libertarians in particular so easily fall victim to denialist arguments. Leo Laporte is also a fan of the Skepticality podcast and the scientific skepticism movement features quite a few Libertarians such as Michael Shermer, whose views on climate change are now consistent with the IPCC report. So there is hope yet for denialist geeks and hats off to Leo for at least trying to bring scientific enlightenment to the Twit Army, and for his continued engagement with denialist geek celebrities.